In the Village of Scottsville, the “Code of the Village of Scottsville” requires permits for:
Any new building
Structural alteration
Conversion or Change of Use
Accessory & Storage Buildings
Sewer hook up
Park Use
Swimming Pools (above and in-ground)
Fireplace, chimney, wood stove, or fireplace conversions
To appear before the boards and/or apply for a permit, please contact the Code Enforcement Officer, Doug Barber, at the Village Office. or call 889-6050
The Board is comprised of village residents who study and vote on applications for site plan review and special use permits. The Board also participates in official map changes, zone changes, as well as, the adoption and changes to the zoning ordinances, zoning map and master plan.
The Village Planning Board meets on the 2nd Thursday of each month at 7:00 PM. If you would like to join this board, please call the Village Office.
The Village Zoning Board of Appeals meets on the 2nd Thursday of each month on an as-needed basis, before the Planning Board at 7:00 PM.
Meetings are held in the Wheatland Municipal Building, 22 Main Street, and are open to the public.
____ Agenda & Minutes are being added. Please contact the Village at for a specific agenda or minutes if they are not posted. ____