Department of Public Works (DPW)
DPW Garage 585-889-1584
For a Sanitary Sewer Emergency 585-202-5744
Anything other than a sanitary sewer emergency, please leave a message with the garage.
Todd Schwasman, Superintendent
The Department of Public Works is responsible for the maintenance and repair of the Village’s infrastructure. Some of the DPW’s responsibilities include weekly collection of residential and commercial recycling and refuse, seasonal collection of brush and yard debris, maintaining public grounds and sidewalks, pruning village trees, and plowing and sweeping streets and sidewalks.
We pick up garbage on Monday and Tuesday. Monday’s if you live east of railroad tracks and Tuesday’s if you live west of railroad tracks. We use One Stream Recycling; which means there is no need to separate paper or plastic. Please have your items at curbside by 6:30 am. Garbage totes should be put curbside no sooner than 24 hours before pick up day and removed soon after. Totes are not to remain on the street. Garbage tote handles should face your residence so the truck’s automated arm can pick the toter up correctly.
The Village of Scottsville, Department of Public Works, and Wastewater Treatment Plant encourage all residents and businesses to consider their impact on the environment during daily life. We are always faced with decisions and options when it comes to recycling, home and yard maintenance, garbage disposal, water usage, and energy efficiency. Here are some eco-friendly tips that are good for the earth, easy to do, and often save money:
- Consider composting when working in your garden. Backyard composting is widely regarded as an excellent, eco-friendly alternative for leaves, grass clippings, and small brush. For more information, go to
- Be more conservative with your water usage. When watering your garden or yard, water in the early morning or evening
- Everything that goes down the storm sewers flows into the Oatka Creek! Please do not pour used motor oil, old paint or thinner, gasoline, or other harmful agents into the storm drains, this also applies to washing your car.
The DPW work summer hours June - Labor Day, the hours are Monday-Thursday 6:00 am - 3:30 pm and Friday 6:00 am - 10:00 am.
If you would like to drop off your garden debris, please call ahead and an employee can be made available to assist you. The hours to drop off debris are 7:00 am - 2:30, Monday - Friday, except during the summer on Friday, when the hours are 7:00 am - 9:30 am. The phone number is: 889-1584.